BC forest science program: reducing wildfire hazards in the wildland urban interface
From 2007 – 2009, Tom Hobby served as the Principal Investigator for a $157,000.00 project entitled Reducing Wildfire Hazards in the Wildland Urban Interface: Impacts on Timber Yields and Best Practices for Stand Management. The project was delivered to forest professionals and fire personnel and the following reports were written:
- Lead author – A Resource Guide for WUI Fuels Hazard Assessments, Developing Fuel Treatment Prescriptions and Aiding Community Wildfire Protection Planning in the Rocky Mountain Trench Region of British Columbia. 2010. Centre for Non-Timber Resources, Royal Roads University. Victoria, Canada.
- Lead Author – Tenure Issues Affecting Wildland Urban Interface Fuels Treatments in British Columbia. 2010. Centre for Non-Timber Resources, Royal Roads University. Victoria, Canada.
- Lead Author: Stumpage Issues Affecting Wildland Urban Interface Fuels Treatments in British Columbia: Identifying the Costs of Getting the Work Done. 2010. Centre for Non-Timber Resources, Royal Roads University. Victoria, Canada.