Commercialization of non-timber forest products
As a researcher with the Centre for Non-Timber Resources, Hobby led and collaborated on several non-timber forest resource studies that were published in the peer reviewed journals and book chapters
- Hobby, T., K. Dow and S. MacKenzie. Commercial Development of Salal on South Vancouver Island. BC Journal of Ecosystems and Management. Vol. 11. No 1 &2. 2010.
- Hobby, T., M. Keefer. A Black Huckleberry Case Study in the Kootenays Region of British Columbia. BC Journal of Ecosystems and Management. Vol. 11. No 1 &2. 2010.
- Hobby, T., K. Maher and E. Keller. Commercial Development Bigleaf Maple Sap Harvest on Vancouver Island. BC Journal of Ecosystems and Management. In-prep.
- Mitchell, D., T. Hobby. From Rotations to Revolutions: Non-timber Forest Products and the New World of Forest Management. BC Journal of Ecosystems and Management. Vol. 11. No 1 &2. 2010.
- Keefer, M., R. Winder, T. Hobby. Commercial Development Morels in the East Kootenay, British Columbia. BC Journal of Ecosystems and Management. Vol. 11. No 1 &2. 2010
- Collier, R. and T. Hobby. It’s All About Relationships: First Nations and Non-Timber Resource Management in British Columbia. BC Journal of Ecosystems and Management. Vol. 11. No 1 &2. 2010.
- Ehlers, T. and T. Hobby. Chanterelle Mushrooms on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. BC Journal of Ecosystems and Management. Vol. 11. No 1 &2. 2010.
- Mitchell, D., S. Tedder, T. Brigham, E. Hamilton, W. Cocksedge, T. Hobby, and S. Berch. Policy Gaps and Invisible Elbows: Non-timber Forest Products in Canada. Sarah A. Laird, Rebecca McClain, and Rachel Wynberg Eds. Wild Product Governance: Finding Policies that Work for Non-Timber Forest Products. People and Plants International. Earthscan Publishers, 2010.
- Chamberlain, J.C., J. Davis, D. Mitchell, T. L. Zabek, T. Brigham, T. Hobby. Forest Farming chapter 9: in second edition of North American Agroforestry: An integrated science and practice. H.E. Garrett Ed. 2009. American Society of Agronomy, Madison, WI. 400 pp.